Voting Priority: A voter with a mobility problem that substantially impairs the voter’s ability to ambulate, and the voter agrees to be given voting order priority, the Election Officer will move you to the front of the line for check-in and voting. A Voting Priority sign is posted at the entrance to the voting place.
Curbside Voting: Curbside Voting is available for voters who are physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter’s health. A designated reserved parking spot is marked with a Curbside Voting sign. A voter may call 325-356-4005, let us know which location you are ready to vote at, what type of car you are driving. We will let the Presiding Judge know you are waiting to vote curbside.
Assistant: A voter who is eligible to receive assistance is entitled to be assisted by a person of the voter’s choice or to be assisted by two election officers.
Interpreter: Voters who cannot speak English, or who communicate only with sign language, may use an interpreter of their choice to help them communicate with election officials.
Witness: If a voter is required to sign a document and cannot do so because of a physical disability or illiteracy, the document may be signed for the person by a witness. When a witness signs on behalf of a voter, the person who cannot sign must affix the person’s mark to the document, which the witness must attest to. If the person cannot make a mark, then the witness must state that fact on the document.
Accessible Polling Place: Comanche County Elections makes every effort to make sure each polling place and early voting location is accessible to and usable by the elderly and individuals with disabilities. Should you or someone you know encounter any location that is not accessible, please notify the Comanche County Elections Office immediately at 325-356-4005.
More information on services for voters with disabilities is available.
Disability rights Texas
Americans with Disabilities Act